
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Momento Mori

More FLYLEAF, haha gotta love my obsessions.

So one of Flyleaf's albums is called, "Momento Mori." Which literally translates from Latin as, "remember your mortality."

Awesome, right?

Well if you know what they mean by that then, Heck Yes it is. ^_^

Perhaps you've heard of the saying, "carpe diem?" It is also Latin and means, "seize the day." And is basically the meaning behind the phrase Momento Mori.

How cool is that?

By the band saying "Momento Mori" they remind themselves that they don't have forever. We all die. They literally remember their mortality. But, that isn't in a morbid sense. It's used in a sense that we should remember who we serve and that our lives on earth are not forever, it will end. So we need to make the most of today, we need to reach out beyond ourselves and live for others. Life is short, so make the most of it. Live with no regrets.

Living without regrets doesn't mean never regretting anything you did, it means live in a way that you don't have to regret anything.

I'm sure everyone else on earth realized that, but I just learned that's what it actually meant a few months ago. Terrible, right? Well at least I know now!

So, my friends, Momento Mori. Make the most of today, because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

And just a little bit of a fun fact for all of y'all, I'm totally getting that tattooed on my wrist when I turn 18. I can cover it up with bracelets if I need to but I probably won't.

Oh, and did I mention I'm getting it in Latin? ^_^

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