
About me!

I'm weird, quite the eccentric little gal. Even though I'm a cynic I'm an optimist and I see the glass as completely full! When God's in your life there is no reason to frown. Although I've frowned quite a lot in my life, I'm trying to change that. ^_^

  1. Flyleaf
  2. Matt & Kim
  3. Billy Curington
  4. Ingrid Michaelson
  5. She and Him
  6. The White Stripes
  7. Modest Mouse
  8. Apocolyptica
  9. NeverShoutNever
  10. Underoath
  11. Red
  12. Chevelle
  13. Kate Nash
  14. Boyce Avenue
  15. The Dead Weather
Just about anything you could think of :D

FRIENDS....are my life.
I'm not kidding, I'm alive because of my friends and my God! ^_^ My best friends ever are Tj, Hannah, and Ethan. But I have a whole bunch of other really close friends that are the best thing since sliced bread, sweet as pie, and more fun than a Friday night.

Just stuff 'bout me
I'm quite an oddity. I'm deep. I just love people, but I'm 100% introverted. I'm just full of contradictions, and it's great. I love my life. Everything, the bad and good. Because we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good if we didn't have to live through the bad! 
I have green eyes.
I'm fifteen years young.
I'm so pale I glow under black lights (I kid you not).
Poetry is amazing.
If I lost my ipod I would die. No doubt about it.
Writing is my passion, but helping people through issues is what drives me to do my best every day.
God is my all. He is what I live for. He is what has kept me alive. He is beauty. He is good. 
God Is Love.