
Saturday, June 18, 2011

I sit here in an empty room
I'm desperate, God
I'm screaming for you
I fight in a battle
I'm going to lose
I'm down here on my knees
Tears stream down my face
Who do you want me to be
This temptation's too great
I can't do this alone
No human can stop my desperate plea
I'm fighting it, God!
I want to be free!
I can't do it alone
On my own I fall
Will you pick me up
Or will you reach out
While I turn away once more
My mind is a battlefield
My heart is a war
Come in and win
I can't take this anymore
Oh God, please save me
I need your unending grace
To see your light
And have the darkness flee
God, make it leave
Or give me strength
I'm not done yet
I won't quit
God by your grace I'm standing again
Let's fight this war
You will win
And all will see
Just who you are
Your might and grace
A loving warrior
SAving his bride
She's coming back
She'll be at your side
My God is faith
My God is hope
My God is love
HE keeps me in His hand
With Him I am safe
No force of Hell
Could ever change that
Though I fall again
There you are to pick me back up
You are my God
I am your child I can't wait to see
What you're going to do through me

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So, I should be studying for exams that are coming up, but I'm a procrastinator and have smaller, easier, more fun, things to do! And writing is infinitely more fun. But, rest easy, I'm writing about a beautiful topic.

My Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Check this song out when you get a chance, it's called Rescue by Desperation Band, (Just click on the word "Rescue," sit back, and enjoy).

Awesome song, but, that's not the point. The point I'm making in this little, or not so little post, is these two lines from the song.

"I need you, Jesus, come to my rescue. Where else can I go?" and, "This world has nothing for me, I will follow you."

Beautiful, right? I sure think so. Let's dig a little deeper into the meaning, shall we?

We all have moments in our life where we feel beaten down, kicked around, crushed, destroyed, and alone. That's our enlightenment moment, where we realize, "Oh hey, I need some help," well either that or you think you can fix it all by yourself. Which, by the by, never works. That's coming from experience.

When we have those moments, who do you turn to? For me, the first person I turn to is whichever one of my friends is available at the moment. But, that's not how it should be! Who do we have anytime we need Him? No matter who we are, what we believe(ed), or what we do, or what we've done? We have Jesus.

"I need you Jesus, come to my rescue. Where else can I go?" There is just so much power in that one lyric I don't even know if I can give it justice. Jesus will never, ever, ever leave you. He is your Rescue in your time of need, call on Him and He will come to you. Where else can I go? No other thing in life can save me, no one else can be my rock, my strength, my life. He will save you if you call on Him.

But the sad thing is, once God has saved us from a dark situation...we leave Him. We've all done it, we go on this awesome Jesus high, we're so pumped up for Him and so excited to be with Him. But this life gets a hold of us again and we don't seek Him everyday, we don't praise Him with our all. We just...conform to life again.

How do we nip that in the butt and stop it for good?

"This world has nothing for me, I will follow you."

This world really and truly has nothing for us. This world is not permanent, this life on earth is short, it's not forever. This world has nothing, absolutely nothing, that will carry on in Heaven or Hell. It really has nothing for us. Now, of course there's love, but even that doesn't last to Heaven.

The only thing that is true and constant is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

So put all of your energy into Him, spend time with Him, pursue a lasting relationship with Him. Because once we realize that this world really doesn't have anything for us, the chains of material things that were holding us back are now gone. And we can freely live for Him.

How great is that?

I think it's pretty awesome.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my Mommy :)

So, today is mother's day. I want to tell my mother how much I love and appreciate every single thing she's done for me.

Mom, mother, mommy, mum, mumsie, ma, there are a lot of ways to say this one word that is the foundation to any child's life. Think about it? My first word was mom! You were the first thought on my mind, and you've loved me through it all.

Nine horrendous months of carrying me, morning sickness, feeling fat (when really you're beautiful no matter what), staying up with me at ungodly hours and singing me to sleep, taking care of me when I'm sick, kissing boo-boos, giving hugs, always encouraging me, always putting me before your self.

Mother's are the most selfless people out there.

Mom, you put your dreams and ambitions on hold to raise me and love me. You have always, always taken care of my needs before yours. You have always gone the extra mile and I have always known that I am loved by you.

So today is your day, I want you to know how much I love you.

I should do this every day, but I don't have your selflessness. But I want to have it. I also want a few other things you have.

  1. Your courage.
  2. Your bravery.
  3. Your beauty.
  4. Your elegance.
  5. The way you love.
  6. The way you always forgive.
  7. Your ambition.
  8. Your love for God.
  9. Your ability to see in the good in anyone
  10. Your protectiveness over the ones you love.
  11. Your kind words.
  12. Your gentle ways.
  13. Your ability to learn.
  14. The way you push past any obstacle that's in your way so that you can reach the goal.
  15. Your determination.
So basically, I want to be just like you. Sure, you've made your mistakes. We all have! But you don't hide them from me, you openly show who you are and where you've been so that I can learn. You always have a story for any situation I'm going through and you're very wise.

I just wish I'd listen to you more!

You're my role model, and my guardian angel. You love me just the way I am, and I couldn't ask for a better mom.

I love you so much! Happy Mother's Day! :) <3

Old heartbreaks can be fun!

What more could be said?
Once upon a time you were my friend
Was it all a lie...that life you lead
Looks like all we have is a tragic end
Maybe looks can deceive
Your angel eyes have shown me that
Once I started to believe
I see now I fall flat
You deserve something better
Not a child like me
I tie you down like a fetter
You deserve to be free
But the love I've ruined you still give


1 Corinthians 13:7-8

"It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there a prophecies they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away...and now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."

The greatest of these is love

When all else ends

It stands tall and strong

It's bright and burning so all may see

The light of the Savior's love in me

Love never fails

Knowledge; it will pass away

Material things; they will fade

But love stands strong

Love lives on

Momento Mori

More FLYLEAF, haha gotta love my obsessions.

So one of Flyleaf's albums is called, "Momento Mori." Which literally translates from Latin as, "remember your mortality."

Awesome, right?

Well if you know what they mean by that then, Heck Yes it is. ^_^

Perhaps you've heard of the saying, "carpe diem?" It is also Latin and means, "seize the day." And is basically the meaning behind the phrase Momento Mori.

How cool is that?

By the band saying "Momento Mori" they remind themselves that they don't have forever. We all die. They literally remember their mortality. But, that isn't in a morbid sense. It's used in a sense that we should remember who we serve and that our lives on earth are not forever, it will end. So we need to make the most of today, we need to reach out beyond ourselves and live for others. Life is short, so make the most of it. Live with no regrets.

Living without regrets doesn't mean never regretting anything you did, it means live in a way that you don't have to regret anything.

I'm sure everyone else on earth realized that, but I just learned that's what it actually meant a few months ago. Terrible, right? Well at least I know now!

So, my friends, Momento Mori. Make the most of today, because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

And just a little bit of a fun fact for all of y'all, I'm totally getting that tattooed on my wrist when I turn 18. I can cover it up with bracelets if I need to but I probably won't.

Oh, and did I mention I'm getting it in Latin? ^_^

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I'm obsessed...with Flyleaf.

Why, you may ask? Because they're awesome.

First off, their lyrics are so much deeper than they appear. If you aren't a Christian or in love then you won't understand what they're saying and it'll sound like the jargon of someone who was high. But it isn't! And that's the beautiful thing about this band. They..have..meaning.


You have to read in between the lines, and the best part is that it makes complete sense.

You have to at least be able to see their view point and where they're coming from to get it, but it makes sense. Or at least I get it, and I'm pretty thick.

Now, lyrics are great but music isn't just lyrics. It' too. And they win in that aspect as well. Lacey's (the lead singer, or as some guys like to call her, "the hot chick who can scream") voice goes perfectly with their style. Pitchy, high, low, beautiful.

Their music is awesome, check 'em out. My little review does no justice.

Best songs?

"Missing" "Break Your Knees" "Arise" "All Around Me" "Circle" "In The Dark" and just about everything else they sing. I just don't like, "So Sick" it's way too overrated.